CSA NI 51-107 Climate Related Disclosure

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MFDA Business Titles

Letter Summary:

CFA is in favour of the general assessment criteria for the use of any specific financial planning designation/certification, and in particular, the requirement for the body that grants the designation/certification to remove it in appropriate circumstances. For any future specified designation/certification, it would be helpful to have an open, transparent process to apply to the MFDA for the use of any such designation/certification, at low/no cost to the applicant.

Overview of the Council’s Comments:

we consider the key issues in protecting end-users of financial planning services to be the adoption of an overall best interest standard of care, as well as the elimination of compensation-driven conflicts of interests. While the regulation of titles is a very positive step forward, any regulation that does not deal with these central issues may not in itself go far enough to protect the end-users of financial planning services.